This year we invited the Sketchfab Masters to select their favorite models published by our community. This is the final article in the 3-part series. Enjoy!
Mieke (MiekeRoth)
The reason is because of the comparative anatomy possibilities. Because of the consistent way of displaying the models, it’s perfect educational material.
Kevin (KevinCayuelaBorg)
This scene of a little girl feeding dragons looks very beautiful, it has a normal routine aura like feeding the cats with little plants in a garden but with a fantastic look. Really nice composition of elements and nice and natural movement on the girl’s legs. The pastel palette of colors fits perfectly with the soft and joyful energy of the ambience. Really nice job!
Nestor (NestorMarques)
My favorite 2022 Sketchfab model is the funerary ensemble of the lady Tairkap. This model by the Bonn Center for Digital Humanities is a well balanced mix of educational, technical, and just awesome content. All the pieces of this Egyptian mummy are animated to display perfectly in just one detailed model.
Justin (ConradJustin)
Incredible sculpt by Nerikson. Staggering attention to detail while preserving a quality composition. Very dynamic, expressive and skilfully made scene.
Agathe (apref)
The texture work is awesome! I followed the process through the artist’s twitter and it took time to achieve this result. It looks exactly like the concept from Sasha Tudvaseva! Overall it’s just incredible and I love it!
Tawsif (omarfaruqtawsif32)
It is tough to pick a favorite! But this one came to my mind. Probably because it looked very yummy. Especially I love the handpainted texturing done on it a lot. And the colors are really nice and vibrant.